Innovating for a Sustainable Future

Transforming agriculture through responsible practices and long-term solutions for a greener world.

AgriTecno awarded Ecovadis Gold Medal for Sustainability Excellence

AgriTecno is proud to announce that we have been awarded the Ecovadis Gold Medal, placing us in the top 5% of companies evaluated worldwide for sustainability.

This prestigious recognition reflects our commitment to environmental stewardship, ethical business practices, and social responsibility. Our continuous efforts in reducing carbon emissions, promoting the circular economy, and fostering sustainable agriculture have made this achievement possible.



Of companies evaluated worldwide within our industry for sustainability.

AgriTecno: Committed to a Carbon Neutral Future

At AgriTecno, sustainability is at the core of our operations, and we are proud to have achieved carbon neutrality across our Scope 1 and 2 emissions through energy and resource reduction, and offsetting in certified reforestation and clean energy projects.

CO₂ Emissions


Scope 1 + Scope 2

Kafunjo Project: Empowering communities through sustainable agriculture in Uganda

AgriTecno is driving real change in Uganda through the Kafunjo Project. By providing biostimulants, funding fertigation projects, and offering agricultural expertise. We boost crop production on 48 hectares of land, ensuring a sustainable food supply for an orphanage and the surrounding community. The harvest feeds both the children at the orphanage and the local population, supporting long-term food security and resilience.



of land, ensuring a sustainable food supply for an orphanage and the surrounding community.

Workforce Nutrition Alliance Program: Fostering health and wellness for our team

At AgriTecno, we recognize the importance of nutrition in promoting overall health. Through our partnership with the Workforce Nutrition Alliance, we are committed to advancing healthier dietary habits among our employees and their families. This initiative aligns with the global vision to extend the healthy life expectancy of 1 billion people by improving access to nutritious food and promoting better nutrition in workplaces around the world.

Our self-assessment score recently improved from 55 to 70 points, earning Silver status, and we are working towards achieving Gold by 2025.

1 billion


Aligned with the vision to extend healthy life expectancy through improved nutrition in the workplace.

Our governance pillars

Certifications and recognitions

ISO 14001:2015

Environmental management systems.

ISO 45001:2018

Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

ISO 9001:2015

Quality Management System.

ISO 14064-1:2019

Verification of Carbon Footprint for Scope 1, 2, and 3.


Carbon footprint registration with the Spanish Ministry of Ecological Transition, with the “Calculo” seal.

Ecovadis Gold Medal

Recognition for sustainability, ethical business practices, and social responsibility, ranking AgriTecno in the top 5% globally.


Listed Certification – For products used in organic farming.


Certification – Certifying organic products for agriculture.

FSC Certified Packaging

Ensuring that packaging materials are sourced from sustainably managed forests.

PEFC Certified Pallets

Certification for using sustainably sourced pallets.

Registro de Entidades Valencianas Socialmente Responsables

Certification of social responsibility practices in the Valencian Community.

Get in touch with AgriTecno

Discover how AgriTecno can help you meet the growing demands of your customers.